Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week 1: Media Autobiography

I would say I was raised in a very tech-savy home, so I have experiences all of the following types of mass media.

-Books: I really enjoy reading, more so when it is for leisure, rather than assigned for my classes. I would say I use at least one book at least once a day. Whether it is a textbook, map book, notebook, Bible, or instruction manual of some sort. I recently bought a Kindle, so now many of the books I read are stored digitally on my own personal e-reader, making reading novels much more convenient. I think books are important, provide us with essential information and enjoyment and I don't think that e-readers could ever permanently replace a good old fashioned, paper bound book.

-Magazines: To be honest, I don't really read or subscribe to any magazines. I've browsed through the tabloids at the super market check out stand, but magazines have never been appealing to me.

-Newspapers: My family has never had a newspaper subscription. My mom would only buy one on Thanksgiving morning for all of the Black Friday ads. I never liked the way you had to sort through a bunch of different stories in search of the one you actually want to read. However, like most kids, I loved the comics. When I want to know the news, I look it up online or watch it on TV.

-Movies: I love movies, they are definitely important to my family and myself. I was raised with "family night" once a week, where we would all go to the movies. Whether it is to unwind after a long day at work, wanting to sit in front of the TV, watching a movie and veg-ing. Or a romantic flick to sob your eyes out to, or a funny movie to go see with your friends. I grew up always watching movies, and I still do today. Action, comedy, romance, foreign, documentary, thriller, horror, I love them all.

-Recordings: I used to have CD's, and now I have an ipod on my phone. I couldn't imagine living without instant access to all of my favorite songs.

-Radio: The only time I ever listen to the radio is while I am driving my car. I hate the commercials and the fact that sometimes you cannot quite find the station/song you want to hear. I don't really listen to talk radio either, because I find it very biased and political and depressing at times. I would rather listen to my ipod than the radio. However, I do like Pandora (internet radio) because I can choose the music genres I'd like to listen to with far less commercial interruption.

-Television: My family has always been big on television, and I must say that DVR (tivo) has changed the way I watch it. I don't have the patience to watch commercials, so I refuse to watch live TV. I would rather wait an hour to let the show record and fast forward through the commercials, than watch it live without fast forwarding. Reality TV, food channel. MTV, VH1, sitcoms. All of it is so entertaining and addicting.

-Internet: I had a Myspace, and a Facebook, email and personal blog. I do a lot of shopping online, check my bank account balances online, sign up for classes, collect research for papers online. I was raised with everything just a click away, instant gratification. I love the internet because it is so useful, expansive and to be honest, I have grown up with it and couldn't imagine having to go to the library to do my homework. I use the internet every single day.

1 comment:

  1. I like Pandora too. You just reminded me to go there and get some music going. Genre? Maybe some reggae today.
